Refund policy

Cancellation/return (refund/exchange)

If the return is made by the consumer, the consumer must bear the shipping costs. Specific charges will be determined based on the carrier selected.
If the item received is damaged or incorrect due to our reasons, the consumer will not be required to bear the shipping costs for this reason.

*We do not accept exchanges or refunds due to customer convenience.

■ Cancellation due to customer convenience (before product shipment)
You can cancel your order within 30 minutes from your purchase history for any reason. In that case, we will refund the full payment.
*In the case of credit card payment, we will cancel the billing at our store. For details, please contact your card company.

■Refunds due to customer convenience <br>We do not accept refunds due to customer convenience.

■Customer-initiated exchanges <br>We do not accept customer-initiated exchanges.

■ Refunds due to product defects <br>If the following conditions are met, we will refund your money.

Correspondence conditions <br>Regardless of whether the product is used or not, in principle, we will only correspond to those who contact us by e-mail within the correspondence period.
Correspondence possibility period When I have notification within seven days after the arrival of the product
Refund amount <br>Product price full amount
Return shipping fee Store burden

Convenience store payments cannot be refunded! Please be aware of this before ordering!


Please let us know by email that you would like a refund.
Email address: